Father Miller Trust Fund:
Established to ensure the continued excellent education of students of St. Mary School. For more information, see this January 29th bulletin article from principal Darren Thelen.
Mass Set Up:
Assists the sacristan in setting up before Masses.
Prayer Network:
Prays for members of St. Mary Parish who call them with a prayer request. The Prayer Network is there for anyone at any time.
School Advisory Council:
Works on improving the educational environment of St. Mary Parish. The council works with the Finance Council on school budget issues. The Council meetings the 2nd Thursday of every other month,beginning in September. It does not meet during the summer months.
Rosary Prayer Group:
Since 1987, the Rosary Prayer Group meets every Wednesday at 10:00am at the church, praying for the needs of St. Mary Parish, for individuals, for all souls, and to encourage devotion to Mary our Mother, through the public recitation of the rosary. members of St. Mary parish are invited to join the rosary group.
Ministry |
Contact Person(s) |
Breast Cancer/Shawl Ministry |
Tammy Droste 989-640-9229 or Kim Keilen 517-331-0186 |
Cemetery |
Paul Smith 517-285-3205 |
Communion to homebound |
Vicki Noeker or Office office@stmarychurch.net or 587-4201 |
Decorating Committee |
Lynn Wieber lwieber66@gmail.com |
Discipleship Groups (adults) |
Vicki Noeker vsnoeker@stmarychurch.net or 989-587-4211 |
Gardening Angels |
Kevin & Brenda Schneider brendas@4wbi.net or 989-640-2213 |
Healing Prayer Team Ministry |
Vicki Noeker vsnoeker@stmarychurch.net or 989-587-4211 |
Hospitality |
Vicki Noeker vsnoeker@stmarychurch.net or 989-587-4211 |
Intercessory Prayer Team |
Chris Piggott cpiggott@4wbi.net or 587-6558 |
Marriage Ministry |
Luke & Dana Thelen danabengal@hotmail.com or 989-640-1647 |
Men’s Conference |
Brian Smith smithb18@hotmail.com or (517) 927-1021 |
Money Counters |
Office office@stmarychurch.net or 587-4201 |
Mow Lawns |
Bill Keilen (517) 242-7754 |
Music Ministry |
Brian Flynn bdflynn@stmarychurch.net |
To the Moon & Back Ministry Pregnancy/Infant loss/Infertility |
Trina Andersen trina.lea.anderson@gmail.com Dawn Cook cookdaa@gmail.com |
Reader/Eucharistic Ministers |
Office office@stmarychurch.net or 587-4201 |
Sacristan/Church work |
Beth Markel bamarkel@stmarychurch.net or 587-4201 |
Spiritual Direction |
Bobbi Jo Miller - bjmiller07@hughes.net 517-294-2151 |
Sunday School Coordinators |
Austin Fox afox@stmarychurch.net 989-587-4206 |
Surviving Divorce Ministry |
Geri Pennell 989-587-4106 or Jane Schmitt 989-587-3537 |
We C.A.R.E. Ministry |
Ruth Schueller schuellerrm@gmail.com or Lisa Nurenberg nurenbergt@4wbi.net |
The WELL (youth) |
Austin Fox afox@stmarychurch.net 989-587-4206 |
Women’s Conference |
Abby Feldpausch abbyf10@yahoo.com |
Weekday Mass Music Ministry |
Vicki Noeker vsnoeker@stmarychurch.net or 989-587-4211 |
Mary Program |
Austin Fox afox@stmarychurch.net 989-587-4206 |
Middle School Religious Ed |
Austin Fox afox@stmarychurch.net 989-587-4206 |
Knights of Columbus Christian Mothers |
Michael Prince Katie Pohl 517-449-3018 |
Shared Pregnancy |
Shirley Manning 517-230-3307 |
Food Pantry |
Cindy Miller 989-640-5533 |