Our parish projects for this campaign include bathroom renovations, supporting the Father Miller Trust Fund and creating a Capital Improvements Fund.
First Priority: Creation of a school cafeteria, expanding the school kitchen and providing more storage space at the school. To fully fund this project, the parish must raise 135% of its Witness to Hope Goal.
Second Priority: Renovating the Hall, including redoing the entrance area, redoing the bathrooms, purchasing new chairs (or providing coverings for the chairs) and tables, better sound proofing the hall, updating the audio and visual systems in the hall to make them more user-friendly and permanent, updating kitchen equipment, and possibly expanding Hall A thus expanding its capacity.
Third Priority:Providing a Rainy Day Fund for larger repairs and projects. If money from the fund were to be spent for this priority, the amount of the project would have to exceed $100,000 and would have to be approved by the Parish Finance Council. The use of any amount of the Capital Improvement Fund for such a purpose would have to be communicated to the parish as a whole via the bulletin.
To find out more about our campaign contact Fr. Eric at 989-587-4201. You can also visit www.witnesstohope.net for more information.